Episodes with Tag: Process
[Ep 76] Releasing Irrational Beliefs (Nov 1, 2021)
Everyone has beliefs that are dysfunctional or disempowering, and when we do some reflection on them, we may discover that …
[Ep 70] Visionizing (Aug 9, 2021)
If you’ve ever created a vision board, then you have some idea of the power of visualization. It’s a great …
[Ep 58] Don’t Worry, Be Happy! (Feb 22, 2021)
Everyone worries about some things some of the time. But some people seem to be worried about something almost constantly. …
[Ep 51] Forgiving the Ego-Mind (Nov 16, 2020)
Anyone who has done any personal growth work has very likely experienced the challenge of dealing with an ego-mind that …
[Ep 49] Reclaim Your Sovereignty (Oct 19, 2020)
People everywhere seem to have forgotten the truth of who they really are, and the result is that we collectively …
[Ep 36] Radical Self-Acceptance (Apr 20, 2020)
We are all blessed with a powerful ego-mind that is meant to be a tool for safety and survival in …
[Ep 18] The Mystery of Enlightenment (Oct 28, 2019)
People generally don’t want to think of themselves as “unenlightened”—the idea seems closely related to the words “ignorant” or “stupid”, …