All Episodes

[Ep 9] Being on Purpose (Aug 26, 2019)

Category: Purpose

At one time or another, almost all of us ask ourselves the question “Why am I here?” It is a perplexing question to be sure, and many of the answers …

[Ep 8] Complete Forgiveness (Aug 19, 2019)

Category: Forgiveness

Forgiveness may well be the most powerful force in the universe. It has the power to heal and to open channels of love. It has the power to lift the …

[Ep 7] The Gift of Compassion (Aug 12, 2019)

Category: Compassion

Compassion is a powerful tool for amplifying happiness and fulfillment in every area of your life. Not only can it reduce your own suffering, but it can also empower you …

[Ep 6] This or That? (Aug 5, 2019)

Category: Choice

In every single moment, no matter what’s going on in your life, you always have a choice about how you’re going to respond to whatever is showing up around you. …

[Ep 5] Who You REALLY Are (Jul 29, 2019)

Category: Identity

Because of conditioning and programming in our families, organizations, and society at large, most of us live with a belief system that tells us we are small or insignificant or …

[Ep 4] Accepting What Is (Jul 22, 2019)

Category: Acceptance

Most of us have active ego minds that are continually making up stories in our heads about what is going on in our lives. This mental activity clouds our model …

[Ep 3] Awake and Aware (Jul 15, 2019)

Category: Awareness

Awareness is your starting point and your go-to fundamental skill for all of Life Mastery. No matter what other key skill you choose to engage, you must always bring as …

[Ep 2] The Life Mastery Paradigm (Jul 8, 2019)

Category: General

The Life Mastery Paradigm is a powerful model for creating and living your best life. It consists of 10 key skills arranged in an optimal cyclical order. As you learn, …

[Ep 1] What is Life Mastery? (Jul 1, 2019)

Category: General

This episode delves into two important questions: “What is Life Mastery?” and “Why is it important?” Learn how you can begin the process of moving into a regular practice that …

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